'Muslim Chinese Food | BEST Chinese halal food recipes:Beef liver BBQ【Beef recipes halal】烤牛肝'

'Muslim Chinese Food | BEST Chinese halal food recipes:Beef liver BBQ【Beef recipes halal】烤牛肝'
08:07 Feb 19, 2021
'Today, ARUI tells you the halal recipes of beef liver, beef heart and beef lung:  BEEF LIVER BBQ, beef liver sauce, stir-fried beef heart  [BEEF LIVER BBQ]  Ingredients:  beef liver,Beef fat Shallots, ginger, salt, starch, soy sauce  step: 1. Soak the beef liver in clean water for 30 minutes and clean it; 2. Cut beef liver into small cubes and beef fat into long strips; 3. Wrap beef liver with beef fat and put bamboo sticks on it; 4. Marinate beef liver skewers with green onion ginger juice, starch and soy sauce for 15 minutes; 5. Bake on charcoal for 10 minutes, sprinkle with chili powder and salt, ok.  【牛肝 BBQ】  配料: 牛肝、牛肚油 蔥、姜、鹽、澱粉、醬油  步驟: 1.牛肝用清水浸泡30分鐘,清洗乾淨; 2.牛肝切小方塊,牛脂肪切長條; 3.用牛脂肪包裹住牛肝,竹籤穿串; 4.牛肝串用蔥薑汁、澱粉、醬油醃製15分鐘; 5.上碳火烤10分鐘,撒上辣椒面、鹽,開吃。  —————————————————————————————————— 【BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hecP4IknfVE&t=4s   如果朋友们喜欢我的视频,别忘了订阅我的频道哦!!   【老太阿蕊 Laotai Arui】https://bit.ly/LaotaiArui   打开小铃铛,精彩美食不容错过! #老太阿蕊#LaotaiArui#清真菜#' 

Tags: Islam , chinese food , chinese food recipes , cow heart recipe , halalfood , beef liver , Muslim food , halal cooking , 老太阿蕊 , Laotai Arui , Laotaiarui , 雲南美食 , 雲南 , 云南美食 , Chinese Muslim food , Chinese halal food , halaf food , chinese halal food recipes , Islam food , halal china , Muslim china , Islamic china , Muslim yummy cooking , Muslim yummy food , MUSLIM COOKING , 清真菜 , Beef liver recipe , Beef liver pate , chinese muslim

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